Blue Lion Beta Launch 12.12.13

Blue Lion Beta Launch 12.12.13

  12.12.13 .. Am excited to make the first foray to get BlueLion EveryOtherDay Diet out & about. (By the way the squarespace website people have been stupendous. They've made me feel so welcome and have helped whenever I've asked.) Our site, Dear PearPeople, has many miles to go, but we have a beginning.
   The Letter really is all you Need To Know. But the other materials may enrich or enliven so root around. You may email Blue Lion at the email Comments are moderated on the Blue Lion Blog so be patient, & if you are not some ghoul or troglodyte, your questions or comments will appear.  Blue Lion will change your life and let you *have* a life while you are slowly & steadily losing the daggone weight.  Blue Lion is always on your side and cheering you on. Begin.

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Blue Lion Blog Intro

Blue Lion Blog Intro

Welcome to Blue Lion EveryOtherDay Diet Blog. We'll chat about the many Diets & various Foods for Thought that shape us in addition to what ends up on the hips.
   It helps in terms of General Joy to have Our Brain on our side as well as Our Stomach. I am particularly riveted by attention and its contribution to our Art of Life. Our Food for Thought should surely be as delicious & nourishing, as tasty, as our Daily Bread -- or Daily Strawberries.

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