The Sugar Menace part 1
Let's make Sugar the next tobacco. Learn to love your liver.
I too often *will* take the *calories* on a 'treat.' But since June 2013 I began to grok the horrors the horrors of the obscene liver-killing amounts of sugar that are disguised by being in grams which Americans slide over. When I made myself find out that there are 4 grams per teaspoon of sugar, I began to freak out.
They *sell* you the yogurt as low-fat and yet the amount of sugar is appalling. (By the way, I grew up on a dairy farm & if I milked you a glass of milk right out of the cow, the milk would be about 3%! Even doctors have no clue. 2% milk *sounds* like you're missing *a lot* of something .. not really.)
But the sugar -- oh my! My divine medium dark chocolate mocha freddo has 46 grams/11tsp of sugar -- not counting the sugary whipped cream. One "Healthy! All Good for you! 19 strawberries! drink has 7 teaspoons of sugar -- !then! you notice that's it's "about 2 servings" so it has 14 teaspoons of sugar. It is also clearly really one serving on any known planet. Juice, so so sadly, isn't better for your liver. (Your darling liver is designed to like the rubik's-cube pace of getting sugar out of the whole-fruit fiber -- not the flash-flood of sugar from juice.)
Sit down before you read the next sentence: one single Big Gulp has 91 grams/23 teaspoons of sugar. In one drink. Wow. If Mayor Mike had sold it this way, we all would have run lickety-split to vote against that much insane sugar in one drink.
Nobody sufficiently loves their liver til too late. (Interestingly, the liver was the Seat of the Affections in the Middle Ages! Imagine the Hallmark Valentines Day cards then . .). Your darling liver just cannot cope with all this dagblasted sugar in such an avalanche -- and that's just 1/2 my the horror the horror stories from since June 2013. There are more duplicities -- no, it's treachery, it's evil. !Be a sugar hawk! AND I have not touched one single freddo since I found out -- not even a goodbye memorial one. 'I woulda took the calories,' you might say, but not all that insane liver-searing sugar. Remember it's 4 grams to one teaspoon of sugar. Do the darn math, friends, always.
A small so-called low-fat flavored yogurt has 28 grams of sugar in that tiny 6 oz tub! 7 teaspoons of sugar! Low-fat, sweetheart, maybe -- low sugar no no no!! You would not spoon 7 teaspoons of sugar into that tub.
There is no reason whatever except Wretched Deception for the sugar not to be in tsps rather than gms -- teaspoons rather than grams. Let's get that changed, Sugar Warriors.
To the horror of my friends, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo on my prime real estate, my forehead, when I turn 70. What precious statement shall I put there? Probably NO WAR, but then I'm thinkin' maybe 4 GMS = 1 TSP so peeps will ask "Why do you have that tattooed on your old forehead." Then I can launch into my Sugar-Menace diatribe.