The Letter continued ..
basic Blue Lion Every-Other-Day Diet info



Diet Day -->

The key is to eat the Same Thing every diet day. Again remember ~~ the KEY is to eat the Same Thing every diet day. I happen to eat a banana, some strawberries, and some cottage cheese -- with an excellent veryvery tasty sauce. A friend does steak & fruit. As long as it's sensible, it does not matter what you choose. What matters is that you do not have to think! Thinking is what gets us dear PearPeople in trouble. 'Will this work for my Diet' or 'Should I have that today?' Nope -- keep it absolutely simple. Same delicious healthy thing.

Not-Diet Day -->

The Bargain is that you have this Not-Diet Day to feel human, to feel normal. ("Oh boy," you cry giddily, "I'll eat seven pies!!!" But you don't. A piece of pie, yep, -- or 5 pieces for all I care until you kind of get over being Dumb.) The Bargain is important. You are guaranteed the Diet Day and you are guaranteed the Not-Diet Day.

This works like a charm. In normal Serious Horrible Wretched Vicious Square-People Diets, your dear body goes, "Oh NO! Famine!! I'll save all your Lovely Fat for you!" And, in spite of hideous and grueling deprivation, you really don't sustainably lose much weight. With our Blue Lion eodDiet, your body goes, "Hmmmm? What's s/he up to?" It doesn't panic.

There are Pear-Shaped People !Us ! Then there are Square People and BeanPole People -- Them. Square People naturally handle stress with the E-word [Exercise]. We'll talk about exercise later in a broader context, but here I want to tell you what you already know.




Food for us PearPeople is not ever for nourishment (ha ha ha, ha ha ha), but for comfort, for solace. A normal Serious Horrible Wretched Vicious Square-People Diet is not about discipline as it is for Them. For us it's about amputation, about misery, about a lightless tunnel of awfulness.The Bargain I discovered in the last 2 years is that I get to feel guiltlessly normal -- !! me !! every other day. And on Diet Days I feel quite virtuous thank you -- and I maintain hope -- because tomorrow I can eat something in Their Tut-Tut Terms yummy yummy sinful yippee!!

Look, my dear friend, if you could do Their Awful Diets, you'd already look all svelte. I'm talking Stark Reality here -- something you Can and Will Do instead of a forever-put-off fantasy. I want every dear Pear-Shaped Person on this Planet to know about Blue Lion EveryOtherDay Diet, Beat the Creep, Reverse the Creep, and have to hike up their too-loose underdrawers. Is truly swell.

[Note: I am not a doctor. Check any & everything wisely before you embark.]

I want you to vow to yourself this minute that tomorrow you'll buy your first Diet Day stuff and vow to yourself and one other person that you will eat that on Diet Day for One Month before you consider changing it. Non-Diet Day is what it is ~~ eat what you please.

Please check out FAQ#! & FAQ#2 & other FAQs as they appear.
cheers allways, wendy



Food for us PearPeople is not ever for nourishment (ha ha ha, ha ha ha), but for comfort, for solace. A normal Serious Horrible Wretched Vicious Square-People Diet is not about discipline as it is for Them. For us it's about amputation, about misery, about a lightless tunnel of awfulness.

on the other hand,
works! and is pretty darn cool . .