FAQ #1 continued ..

Q. How about the Fancy Dinner Party on the Wrong Day?

A. I allow myself to shift for Thanksgiving and Christmas and my birthday. (In 2012 my birthday was *on* Thanksgiving -- which isn't fair re free days.) Otherwise nibble.  I recommend the Tallulah-Bankhead melodramatic eyeroll, "Ah dahling, I'm on my Blue Lion EveryOtherDay Diet. I simply mustn't." Too many exceptions and you'll start to Think and thinking-is-bad, thinking-is-fraught with Ye Olde Peril. BlueLion's Pattern of EveryOtherDay allows for such Salvation in terms of your Well-Being, you don't want to mess with it much. Friends do honor an EveryOtherDay Diet and are often veryvery intrigued. [More about Paris; popcorn; movies later; also Tallulah Bankhead pinching my cheek when I was 10.]

Q.What are some Good Discoveries you've made on BlueLion?
A. Organic Quick Rolled Oats in bulk -- $1.89/lb at my BumbleBee Healthfood Store in Mtn View CA. I'll get into detail more anon, but it makes a fabulous thickener for my Roughies, for soups, etc. The umami yumminess mouth-feel factor is supreme. Feels so sublimely sinful. Add no sugar, no faux-sugar, no sugar-lite. Your darling (YES! DARLING!) liver is flamed-&-flummoxed by any and all versions of sweet-tasting. (You probably should give your Liver a name so you will love it more and understand it and care for it like your favorite cat, parrot, or dog. ! Liver Love ! ) I'm just thinking about a name for *my* Liver. (Pal? Hero? Male? Female? 'Livia'? maybe? . . . has "live" in it [lih-vuh, not leye-vuh]; Hmmmm, I could do a Livia Sez faux-stern Liver-Lessons riff hither & yon in FAQ. As in Livia Sez "!! Sugar is a menace !!"  In an upcoming FAQ, we'll deal with the Sugar Menace. Livia Liver is damned determined to make Sugar the next Tobacco.)

Did you know that in the Middle Ages the Liver was the Seat of the Affections, not the measly heart?? I droll myself imagining the "Valentine's Day" Hallmark cards starring The Liver. Yes, yes, I love my heart fine, but all the other mysterious glucky stuff that sustains us is way undersung. When, in conversation, was the last time you mentioned your Beloved & Clever Intestines, say?

Q.Got any suggestions about stuff to drink?
A. I, sigh, gave up drinking wine/rum/+ in solidarity with my alcoholic friend. No, 3ha, I know what you mean. Once I horriblyhorriblyhorriblycubed found out that juice is not an answer to wet stuff, I have finally recently miraculously re-discovered "Crystal Geyser 12 oz. Sparkling Mineral Water." If in summer, fizzyness really sings Torch Songs to you, this is a truly no-harm, no-foul drink. [Add re why not lemon or lime flavored?] 

[Remember I am not a doc. Always check before you embark.] 

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